Sunday, September 20, 2009

Go Caden! He's the big boy keeping the path clear for his teammate to run for a touchdown.
I felt bad for the little guy going against Caden. He was a small line-man. Caden had no problems with that guy.


Caden is sizing up his opponent. I don't think he was too worried today. Usually they're a bit bigger. Caden is learning a ton this season and having a lot of fun.

That is a winning smile if I say so myself. A proud boy after winning 32-6!

1 comment:

Richard H. Glassford II said...

Hey you look like a giant playing football. I like the image with you blocking all the little guys. If I was playing football I would want you to block for me. See if your coach will let you carry the ball. They will not be able to stop you.... you will not need blockers.