We were also very happy that Grandma and Grandpa made it back to Vegas in time for Trunk or Treat. It is always so fun for the kids.
Yea for Cris and Jen, they were able to come too. We had fun!
Yea for Cris and Jen, they were able to come too. We had fun!

Brandon is looking pretty scary by Grandpa. Not a common site to see Brandon so crazy.

You can't see Nate's hair so well in the dark but he looked awesome in his big fro. He was an awesome hippie. Of course Mandy was Hanna Montana. But she is prettier then the real one.

Mandy is still smiling even though she is stuck between those two crazy boys.

Grandpa and Grandma's truck always wins the prize for the best decorations. We had many comments. You can't see it in the pictures but the pumpkins on the side of Mandy were even glowing. Grandpa cut the bottoms out of them and we used candles to light them up, it was awesome. Everyone loved it.
Your guys look great! I love all of the costumes! I wish the weather was nice up here, because of the slush falling from the sky on Halloween Jacob only got to trick or treat to three houses. I am glad you had fun!
awww..u guys are too funny. I love how all your costumes are crazy and then mandys little hannah montanna. haha. well, it looks like you all had a good time. And I can't wait to have some more fun the day after thanksgiving!!! hahah. good times good times
Wow, awesome !!! Not to long ago we dressed up with the kids went around the neighborhood. Good times ! I can even remember going around our little street in San Diego. Grandma would always came with us.
Jim you look like someone I meet in the swamps of South Carolin. Ha!
Grandma and Grandpa look like they had fun. Keep them busy physically and mentally.
Love you all,
Oh my, you all look crazy. Looks like you had a lot more fun than we did. Lisa, did you dress up?
Please,,,no more bad boy music!
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