Brandon plays any position the coaches ask him to and he plays it well. This season he has become a reliable pitcher, an incredible hitter, a strong second baseman, a third baseman and most importantly, he is an awesome base runner. I love to watch him on the bases. He just plays with the pitchers and loves it. 

I haven't been able to get to many pictures of Nate yet, he always plays the same night as Mandy. Her season is over this Saturday so I will hopefully get more of him. He is with a new coach this year and is also playing up in the AAA league. He pitches, plays first and catches. For a young kid, he is doing great, just needs a little more confidence, but who doesn't. We look forward to many great seasons of ball with Nate. He is a very good player. Last game he hit a in the park Grand Slam and was very pleased with himself, as were we. And let me tell you, he hit that ball pretty far, it definitely wasn't his speed that got him around all of those bases. (ha, ha)

This is Caden's first year in the majors and we are very proud of him. He was drafted onto Matt's team and is really coming along. He struggled a little at first hitting. He wasn't use to the speed of some of the pitchers. But then all of a sudden, 3 games ago he nailed a pitch out to left center field and that was it. He went 2 for 2 last game and is doing awesome. It's great to have the 2 boys playing on the same team and they work well together. Caden play's second base next to matt a lot and he also play left and center field.

Hammer is having a great season so far. If he is not pitching then he is playing first base. He is the 3rd batter in the line up and hitting extremely well. The high light of his season so far though was Saturday. Bases loaded 1 out and Hammer is up. First pitch, strike. Second pitch, ball. Third pitch, everyone is screaming because hammer has just hit his first Grand Slam! You should of seen the grin on his face as he ran around those bases. It was awesome! He went 3 for 3 and played a mean 1st base that day.

Look at the concentration on that kids face.

The team is not as good this year because they have so many new kids on the team but they are still 3-2 and having fun. 

Matthew is getting much more pitching time this season and hopefully will gain more confidence because of it. He threw 4 innings last game, struck out 9 and I think they got 2 hits. The game before that he threw one inning, hit 2 batters and then struck out the last 2. He went in to pitch to get them out of the inning. I think those kids he hit are going to have a pretty big bruise. Before that game he threw 4 innings, and struck out 11 of the 12 batter he threw to.

Matthew is getting much more pitching time this season and hopefully will gain more confidence because of it. He threw 4 innings last game, struck out 9 and I think they got 2 hits. The game before that he threw one inning, hit 2 batters and then struck out the last 2. He went in to pitch to get them out of the inning. I think those kids he hit are going to have a pretty big bruise. Before that game he threw 4 innings, and struck out 11 of the 12 batter he threw to.